Product: CF 7 BugHunt User: Anonymous
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Title: XML Complex Schema Using MSXML BugID: 1375 Date Opened: 05-Jun-07
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Type: Other/Misc Element/Element: MSXML
Severity: Unexpected Results Status: New/Unvalidated
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Click on this to respond to the current comment Comment   [David Logwood]   [Wednesday, Jun 13, 2007 01:42 PM]
We are using ColdFusion to instantiate the MSXML 6.0 Parser COM object and then validate our XML against a complex schema which includes import statements.

I am not sure what would be different in a C/C++ environment, but we the MSXML Parser does validate our XML properly.

The problem we were having with CFMX7 is that it is using Java version of Xerces 2.6, which does have problems with a complex schema.

We have not had a chance to test with Xerces 2.9 for Java yet, but we are hopeful that it will work with that version, and that 2.9 will be included with CF8.