Product: CF 7 BugHunt User: Anonymous
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Title: PDF Document Orientation BugID: 1370 Date Opened: 16-May-07
Created By:
Bobby Schuchert
Type: Tag Element/Element: CFDocument
Severity: Unexpected Results Status: New/Unvalidated
Adobe BugID:

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Click on this to respond to the current comment Comment   [jane zheng]   [Monday, Oct 22, 2007 03:18 PM]
Hi Bobby,

I am also trying to use cfdocument to generate labels (Avery labels in my case). However I had problem with the label positioning. The address line is separated into two lines even though there are still many spaces left after the first line of address. I have specified marginleft="0.05" and marginright="0.05" but it did not work. I am wondering if you can print out labels properly. Any help would be appreciated.

The tag I am using is:

<cfdocument format="pdf" unit="in" margintop="0.05" marginbottom="0" marginleft="0" marginright="0" pagetype="custom" pagewidth="2.25" pageheight="2" fontembed="yes" orientation="portrait" scale="100">
