Product: CF 7 BugHunt User: Anonymous
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Title: File Upload with SSL and Client Certificates Enabl BugID: 1369 Date Opened: 16-May-07
Created By:
Bobby Schuchert
Type: Tag Element/Element: CFFILE
Severity: Crashes CF Server Status: New/Unvalidated
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Click on this to respond to the current comment Fix/Work-Around   [Bobby Schuchert]   [Thursday, May 17, 2007 07:28 AM]
It turns out that this really isn't a bug in ColdFusion, it seems to be a setting in IIS6 that needs to be changed. I did not find this fix, I found the post of the person who found the fix.

The fix:

The issue of the 50kb limit and client certificates has to do with IIS 6 Metabase settings and the client certificate requiements:

Use Metabase Explorer (included in IIS6 Resource Kit - iis60rkt.exe) to add the following entries to C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\Metabase.xml
(Do not use MetaEdit – will not work with IIS6)

w3svc/1/uploadreadaheadsize 800000000 (DWORD)

w3svc/1/SSLAlwaysNegoClientCert 1 (DWORD)

Metabase Explorer operates a lot like Regedit.

• Open Metabase Explorer
• Go to LM/W3SVC/1/
• Right click and choose New – DWORD Record
• Choose uploadreadaheadsize from the pulldown
• Once it’s added you can double-click it to change value (default is 49152) 48K

Change it to a larger value.

Then repeat the same steps above to add SSLAlwaysNegoClientCert and set that to 1 (True)

Open C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\Metabase.xml with notepad and search for the above settings to confirm that they were added.

Some support sites: "

Here is a link to the user that figured this out along with his post